Suthon Mongkol Khiri, The beautiful face reclining Buddha.

Pratat Suthon Mongkol Khiri, The beautiful face reclining Buddha.

In Thailand, there are many different temples where you could find and see the reclining Buddha images. For example, the biggest reclining Buddha in Thailand at Wat Pho, Bangkok. However today we would like to present you one other reclining Buddha with the beautiful face. Located along the way from Chiang Mai to Sukhothai. The temple was first built in 1977AD on Phrae province to Lampang province in order to be the place to collect and gathering the applied arts from Lanna area ( the Northern area) which includes the architecture, designs as well as the old artifacts. This temple is the place where gathering the arts from 11 places around the Northern area (Lanna) in one place.

-The main gable gate from Lampang Luang Temple, Lampang province

-The east gate from Doi Suthep temple, Chiang Mai province

-The west gate from Pra Tat Viang Chan, Laos where the Thai art craft man used to create.

-The Zigzag based base of the ordination halls from Chiang Rai.

-The carving design on the doors and the windows from Lai Kham Chaple from Pra Singh Temple, Chiang Mai.

-Some decoration designs from Ton Kwan temple, Samoeng , Chiang Mai

-7 Naga heads and the dancing girls in Cambodian styles from Jed Yod temple, Chiang Mai

-The Hor Tri from Pra Singh temple, Chiang Mai

– The bell and drum hall from Hariphunchai Temple, Lampoon

– The main Ku-ti is the design from Sib Song Panna

– The main Chedi with 30 spires from Chiang Sean style. Sib Song Panna.

As informed, it might difficult to explain which means you have to see it with your own eyes. With this place, you could add on the travel list no matter from Bangkok to Chiang Mai or from Chiang Mai to Bangkok.  You could visit if you prefer the trip from Chiang Mia to Sukhothai if you prefer to visit to this temple before reaching to Sukhothai and continue to the historical park. We could tell you that it is worth visit.

Wat Baan Den. The Blue temple in Chiang Mai.

As Chiang Mai is one of the famous destinations in Thailand instead of Bangkok and Phuket. Chiang Mai is well known among the tourists and visitors as the beautiful nature sites, graceful culture and traditional as well as the lovely people.

For those who loves the temples as well as the old architecture and design. Chiang Mai is the perfect place for you to visit. As we had mentioned about the temples many times. This time also the temple, but it is unique in itself. Wat Baan Den (Baan Den Sri Muang Gan as its full name) is one of the unseen temples in Chiang Mai province. Located on a small hilly area in the north of Chiang Mai city which takes almost an hour and a half to get there. The temple itself could see from a distance and also very sacred temple for the locals in that area. Once when you reach at the parking space, you could see the beautiful buildings of the temple which are beautiful and graceful on the temple ground. There are many different buildings where you could get inside to worship as well as taking photos. So you might be curious why it called Blue temple. This because the temple roof is painted in blue. The local name that the locals called is from the Bodhi trees in the temple. (Bodhi tree is called “Ton Sali in the dialect.) Then no wonder why we called this temple “Baan Den Sali Sri Muang Gan”.

As this temple located in the north side of Chiang Mai area which means you could combine the trip or your visit with some other sited to fulfill your trip or your visit as well as continue to visit Chiang Rai province because the road could lead you to Chiang Rai and there are many sites for you to visit. We hope this would be a small extra tip for you to plan the trip while visiting in the north for your good experiences and good memory.

Pang Pa Inn Palace, Ayutthaya

Ayutthaya province is one of the destinations that most visitors put it on the travel list. Due to Ayutthaya province located not to far from Bangkok which means you could also travel as a day tour if you have not much time plan while visit Thailand. However we would like to suggest this place to be on your travel list as it is one of the historical places in Ayutthaya instead of Ayutthaya historical site with the old ruins of the temples and the ancient city.

Pang Pa Inn Palace located on the Chao Phraya River bank which separate a bit from the main Chao Phraya River, it first built in Ayutthaya Period and was abandoned after got the 2nd lost from the Burmese War. Until King Rama 4th of Thailand had reconstructed the palace again and used as the reception palace for all Kings and Queens from abroad such as The Queen from the Netherland, The Queen from Denmark, Elizabeth the Queen of England as well as the Royal Family from Japan. There are 7 important spots to visit in Pang Pa Inn Palace. The famous one would be the memorial statue  of Queen Sunant aKumareerat, the queen of King Rama 5thof Thailand who passed away from the shipwreck with her 2 children which you could see the memorial statue in the palace area. This palace became the memorial of love for King Rama 5th to his wife and his children since then.

Now a day, the palace opens for the visitors as well as Thai and foreigners to visit in Ayutthaya to learn about the history, enjoy with the beautiful architect as well as taking photos. It opens daily from 8am -4pm. Visiting to this place we have to dress properly as it is as the palace, please.

If you have limit of time, you could choose a day visit to Ayutthaya province and Pang Pa Inn Palace. However  you have more time and love travelling on road to see things on the way, we would suggested 6-7 days trip starts from Bangkok to Chiang Mai or from Chiang Mai to Bangkok to cover all the interesting places which include Ayutthaya and Pang Pa Inn Palace as well.