Analayo Temple , Phayao, Thailand.

Analayo Temple , Phayao, Thailand.

Thailand is the well known as the place where there are many temples around in our country. Travel in Thailand, we are quite sure that you have planned and added  temples to you trip. However travel in Thailand , most people make plan only visiting to the most famous ones where they’re always the main spot for all tourists to visit.  There are many temples more in Thailand and prefer to visit if you love the quiet atmosphere and the peaceful as well as away from many tourists.

Today we would suggest you the temple in Phayao province, Thailand. Located 17 kms. from Phayao city itself. After reaching the temple, you are going to see the beautiful gate which going to lead us to the temple area by follow the stairs case. The temple itself was built in 1999Ads to place the relics of the Lord Buddha  from Srilanka. On the stairs walkway , you could see the nice decorations of the stucco which now parts of them covered with mosses and lichens. With the lovely atmosphere where there are not many tourists, mostly the local Thai people only to visit.  Passing in the temple area, you are going to see many figures and Buddha images which were offering by the locals. There are many different sections of the temple. The inner section is the place where you could see the view from the balcony for the small chapel where the relics of the Lord Buddha housing as well as some precious  stuffs.  The balcony view offers you the view of the fresh water lake called “ Kwan Phayao” which is very beautiful.



The big golden Buddha image , the big Chedi copy from Srilanka design and more on the walkway also stunning and photo challenge for you.  This temple could visit in a day by starting from Chiang Mai which would takes around 3 hours to get there. If you concern about the time of sittingin the care to get there,no worry. Because on the way, you could also stop by the lake ( Phayao Lake) to enjoy the atmosphere as well as Sri Comkham temple at the edge of the lake as well.





This place could also add to the plan if you have many days to visit from Bangkok to Chiang Mai as well. It could be on the way to get to Chiang Mai or in the other ways round from Chiang Mai back to Bangkok as well. Theses depend on how you prefer and plan the trip as well as how long holiday you have for your visit. Added Analayo temple to your trip for you to feel the peaceful and clam atmosphere.

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