

Travel to Thailand is the best destination for all visitors all around the world as for the culture, nature, tradition and also local people.  Most famous places to visit are mainly Bangkok , Chiang Mai and also Phuket as they are the main cities and well known as the capital of each parts of Thailand.

However most people stop by Bangkok for the first destination due to the biggest international airport located there. You could stop by Bangkok a few days and plan to go around Bangkok to visit temples as well as the China Town.  Since Ayutthaya locates nearby Bangkok only an hour and a half to get there. It could also be one of the destination for someone who love to see the old architect of the old capital ruins left from the long history. One Ayutthaya was one of the glory and old capital of Siam. At that time, there were wars between the countries and the groups especially Myanmar who had the long history of fighting between us to expand the area. Ayutthaya was the capital for 417 years before the last Myanmar  invasion. Now a day, the old buildings  still be seen in the old city of Ayutthaya province and almost  in Ayutthaya.

Temples in Ayutthaya where you could add in the visit plan while you are in Thailand are Wat Mahathat Temple ( the Buddha Face in the Tree roots), Wat Chai Wattanaram, Wat Phra Srisanphet, Wat Rachaburana, Wat Budhthaisawan and more. If you love temples and old architect you would love this places, Ayutthaya.


