Chore : The never ending work!!

Chore : The never ending work!!

Today we’ve just spent our free time on housework or “ The Chore”. Of course you might think why have to be this word!  Let’s say. If  you are not going out anywhere and you are home. 100% you might start doing something that involve with the chore.  Please!! Don’t say no. Because we won’t believe you. Haha.   The chore or housework is something hiding in every  houses.  It depends on how we see them or not. Some people might not see them or see. But ignore them and says “ I would do it later.” Then forget it.  These could be some disaster as they would be like diseases which would expand  quickly to every corners of the house if you not doing something.

However when you have started to do one of the chore…more would come and then you could continue and they would keep you busy for a whole day long. Tired?  Oh..Yes!!! But it is worth doing. Because after you clean the house and do the chore, you would feel happy and confident when there are guests visit to your house.  Also it is for your hygienic.  Other benefit you could get from doing the chore is exercising. You spend and burn your energy after eating lots of food…both good food and junk food in the same time. Find some music you like to listen to while doing the chore is not too bad. It would make you feel relax and enjoy while doing the chore, cleaning , washing or whatever.  We don’t mind dancing and singing in the same time while doing the chore, right?

Well …let’s get started. Do it bit by bit for every day. You might have to do the same things almost every days  for the  chore as we says the chore is the never ending work, but it is the better way of living. Let’s do it!